As of right now, I am stuck in the first phase of planning. I have tons of ideas, but I am fixed on two of them and they both involve motors.
Butterfly Robots
This idea has received the most feedback from my friends because it would make an interesting art installation. It's a robotic butterfly with wings that flutter when the room is quiet, as the room gets louder the wings slow down. It's a simple idea, but the fabrication would be difficult. Plus, the effect I am trying to create would only be achieved if I made several butterflies, which would be hard due to the cost and time restraints.
To build the butterfly I would put the electrical components inside a 3d printed body with an insert for the motor that could attach to wings. The wings would look best if they were made out of wire and fabric.
-a tiny motor
Drawing Robot
This robot would be super interactive and great toy for kids. It would work sort of like an etch-a-sketch. You would have a remote control with potentiometers that controls the direction and switches that controls which color the robot uses. When you flipped a switch on, the corresponding marker would be pushed to the floor and you could move the direction of the robot leaving a marker trail behind it.
-Arduino Uno
-acrylic enclosure